
An Amateur Strausian Seeking Truth

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

Do you think about why you're thinking what you're thinking?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Evil Honored in Academia

What is wrong with institutions of so-called higher learning in America?

Well, this is a broad question with many answers. The main answer: a lot. But more specifically, there seems to be a problem with the moral compass, or lack thereof, of many academics and their accompanying places of employment. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am fully aware of numerous academics who have their compasses correctly magnetized, and this is by no means an attempt to attack all academics. But I read something this morning that is quite alarming. It is telling.

Numerous institutions of higher learning support and give praise to evil.

To name only a few, I’ll start with Antioch College, Evergreen State University, Occidental University and the University of California-Santa Cruz. Each one of these schools has honored convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal as a commencement speaker (via audio-tape).

Harvard accepted Warren Kimbo in as a student. Kimbo has confessed to shooting a fellow Black Panther in the back of the head. Moreover, Kimbo has served as a dean at Eastern Connecticut State University.

Phillips Exeter Academy, a very prestigious prep school, gives an annual Edmund E. Perry Award for “diversity and cultural awareness.” Perry was a student at Phillips Exeter who was shot to death in Harlem while trying to mug a plainclothes cop.

Hamilton College in upstate New York has hired Susan Rosenberg as a writing instructor. Rosenberg who is an advocate of “collective violence” against the U.S. government, was caught with nearly 700 pounds of explosives in 1984, and went to prison to begin serving a 58-year term. After she was pardoned by Bill Clinton, Hamilton College hired her.

As I said, this is only a representative sample; there are many more. To read about Stanford’s support of Islamic terror, and Villanova’s attempt to pay tribute to a professor who murdered her Down syndrome baby, you can access the article here.

Note: I’ll be away from the blog for a few weeks. Finals are coming up and it’s time to kick into high gear. (By the way, I’m proud to announce that as far as I know, my school is not a general supporter of evil). I’m confident our new guest bloggers and Ryan and Eric will do just fine without me!


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