
An Amateur Strausian Seeking Truth

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

Do you think about why you're thinking what you're thinking?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

To Those Who Lurk

I’ve noticed that The Blogger of Jared is increasingly drawing more readers - we average about 25 site visits from different I.P. addresses every day (this is a very small readership compared to the main blogs). However, a very small number of them comment. This has led me to formulate a question for those who lurk in the shadows: Why? I’m cognizant of the fact that this question will go unanswered because those who have standing to answer are those who consistently reserve their right to remain silent. Yet, I thought I would ask anyway.

Thus far, I have come up with a few working answers of my own: 1) You refuse to engage us in conversation because our posts are not intellectually stimulating and responding would be a waste of time (but you still visit the site hoping for something good); 2) You are affraid of being challenged and therefore never posit a theory of your own; 3) It takes too much effort to comment; 4) Or, it’s all just a big waste of time. Are there any other answers to the question?

There was a recent post over at BCC about lurking and how Blogging is similar to Relief Society lessons (posted by a woman), i.e. must be done according to accepted norms. Some comments in the thread noted that blogging is just a way to seek praise and recognition. I suppose the main reason we lurk (yes, I lurk at other sites) is that we don’t like the wasted time trying to conform to norms, and all the praise seeking.


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