Justice & Gender
First, I am of the opinion, or belief, that word usage in the Book of Mormon is deliberate, purposeful and meaningful. In my view, this belief is justified from the fact that after Joseph’s translation, he said the following: “[T]he Book of Mormon [is] the most correct of any book on earth….” That is bold. From this statement, and my general understanding of the book, I derive my approach.
With that said, for the purpose of this post I would like to focus on the word usage in one specific verse: Alma 42:24. It reads, “For behold, justice exerciseth all his demands, and also mercy claimeth all which is her own….” (Emphasis mine). Plainly stated, the Book of Mormon seems to suggest a connection between the attributes (or natural laws) of justice and gender. Justice equates with masculinity, while mercy equates with the feminine.
Assuming the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on earth, this word usage cannot possibly be a mistake on the part of Joseph. I could offer other arguments for why the usage is not mistaken, but you get the point. The question remains though: what are we to learn about the connection? Is it important? Your thoughts?
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