
An Amateur Strausian Seeking Truth

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Astrology: Psuedoscience or Ancient, Hidden Truth?

� � � In the scriptures there are numerous references to stars, planets, and astronomical phenomenon. A simple search of the scriptures for the word “star” catches several interesting passages.
Generally, Alma pointed to the existence and regular motion of the planets as evidence that God exists. Surely Alma must have believed the motion had meaning and purpose and was part of God’s design.

Also, there are several places in which the children of God are likened unto “morning stars“. Indeed, Satan fell from his position as a son of the morning.

Specifically, the constellation of Orion is mentioned four times in the Bible. But the most interesting to me is an explanation found in DC 88:42-43, 47:

And again, verily I say unto you, he hath given a law unto all things, by which they move in their times and their seasons; And their courses are fixed, even the courses of the heavens and the earth, which comprehend the earth and all the planets. Behold, all these are kingdoms, and any man who hath seen any or the least of these hath seen God moving in his majesty and power.

Again, here tied to the existence and movements of planets and stars is the importance of knowing the meaning of it all; the general meaning is that God’s majesty is revealed in it. I have mentioned before that scripture is replete with statements that all things testify of Christ. One such scripture specifically states that “things in the heavens above” exist to testify of Christ.

So, the question is whether astrology, as it exists today, has any particle of truth in it? I have adopted Brigham Young’s approach of treasuring truth where ever it may be found. And I’m beginning to think there is some truth in astrology in general (I’ve never been a fan of horoscope reading etc.).

There is a very interesting article that just was published by John Pratt in Meridian Magazine. The article is compelling because Pratt, an expert astronomer, gives evidence that the 48 constellations were first revealed to Enoch. Pratt then gives possible meaning for each constellation and how they point to Christ and the gospel.

Also, there is the fact that Jospeh Smith was likely influenced by gnosticism and probably understood the real meaning of astrology. I don’t see the harm in believing that he did–if freemasonry was perverted truth, why couldn’t astrology and gnosticism have truth as well? But apparently orthodox appologists feel threatened by the thought.

Moreover, it has been debated whether Joseph owned a Jupiter Talisman. You can read about this debate here (this is another orthodox appologist’s view that Joseph never owned the talisman). Emma’s second husband fathered an illegitimate son named Charles. Charles was raised by Emma until she died when Charles was only 15. When Charles was old, he sold a Jupiter Talisman to a Mr. Wilford Wood. Charles swore an affidavit that Emma told him numerous times that the talisman was Joseph’s and that he was carrying it in his pocket the day he was murdered. The veracity of this story is debated. However, Reed C. Durham Phd. (director of the LDS institute at the University of Utah) believed it was Joseph’s; he refered to the talisman as a “masonic jewel”.

This jewel was inscribed with the sign of Jupiter, or the sign of sagittarius–the most powerful in the zodiac.

Aside from all of this, Brother Todd B. Parker has pointed out something very interesting. He has pointed to the fact that Joseph was born on Winter Solstice in December 1805; the winter solstice is when light begins again to come into the world (the sun begins its way north again). Joseph was murdered on Summer Solstice in June 1844; the summer solstice is when light begins to go out of the world (the sun begins its way south). Interesting coincidence eh? I don’t think so. Perhaps an astrological sign?


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